indoor plant shrub tree

Decorating with Indoor Plants

Living plants create a feeling of warmth and personality.indoor plant living room

They add the perfect finishing touch to a room.

Whether you have a green thumb or not, adding indoor plants to your décor makes sense. Some living plants require very little care, and today you can also select from a wide variety of artificial plants that are hard to distinguish from real ones. Keep in mind that plants don’t just come in shades of green. You can select plants with striking hues of red, orange, pink and yellow! Plus some indoor plants feature brilliant flowers in a variety of hues.

Indoor plants add freshness and natural color to a room. Indoor plants range from large, lush trees to the smallest of African violets, and everything in between.

Some of the most popular indoor plants include:

  • Tropical orchids
  • Prickly cactuses
  • Luscious succulents
  • Bulky banana trees
  • Spiky dracaena plants
  • Floppy philodendrons
  • Flowing ivy
  • And many varieties of ferns, ficus trees and palms

Indoor plants can sit on the floor, sit on a table or bureau, sit on shelves, or even hang on the wall. Have fun with the containers you use too! Just like plants themselves, containers come in many shapes, sizes, colors and glazes to complement any décor. And you can buy plant stands in a variety of styles that display plants at almost any height in your rooms!

If you opt for live plants, talk to your nursery about the light needs of various plants and find out how quickly each plant will grow. Learn which plants are easy to grow, and how much water and maintenance each plant needs.

Make your home feel natural and green by adding indoor plants to your decorating plan.

Copyright Hunter Douglas.

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