Bring Green Inside

Create a natural, peaceful feeling with green home accents.

Green is a natural choice for home decorating. This color range from the world’s forests, meadows, and gardens brings a feeling of the outdoors to the inside of your home.

For home decorating, you have so many choices in the green family, from rich and lush, to calm and serene, to bold and brilliant. Because green comes in so many shades, it’s a very flexible design color.

Just think of all the beautiful natural names for green hues: sage, lime, spring, forest, emerald, mint, fern, grass, avocado, jade, apple, celery, and pistachio.

Duette Honeycomb Shades
Duette Honeycomb Shades
Palm Beach Polysatin Shutters - FrontTiltBar version in Office
Palm Beach Polysatin Shutters - FrontTiltBar version in Office

Green design elements bring the outdoors inside.

Naturally, you have lots of possibilities to add green to your décor, whether in small touches or major design elements:

  • Painted walls and paint stenciling
  • Wallpaper
  • Upholstery
  • Drapery fabric and window coverings
  • Bedding
  • Painted wood furniture and kitchen cabinets
  • Rugs and carpeting
  • Lamps and light fixtures
  • Accessories such as throw pillows, vases, and artwork
  • Tile countertops and backsplashes

Finish your design plan with neutral colors.

It’s usually best to stick with one or two shades of green. Use neutrals to finish your design plan. You can also add small touches of a complementary accent color, such as pink or yellow.

Colors that work well with green tones include:

  • White, gray, and neutral beiges and creams
  • Browns, camels and taupes
  • Pinks, reds and salmon
  • Small touches of blue, black, yellow or gold

Looking for a more natural feel in your home environment? Add green this season!

Palm Beach Polysatin Shutters - Standard Panels in Living Room
Palm Beach Polysatin Shutters - Standard Panels in Living Room
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